Wilcox has expanded the revolutionary capabilities of the RAPTAR S within a lighter, smaller form factor which provides snipers and precision shooters with a complete package of enhanced ranging capabilities. The RAPTAR Xe allows the operator to illuminate a target out to 1800m and quickly generate a ballistic solution, all while keeping their eyes on the target.
The RAPTAR Xe is compatible with multiple external devices including the Kestrel, and various thermal optics. The compatibility is possible through the onboard Bluetooth module, and various available cable solutions. Hard cable options are available through Wilcox that provide the user with a variety of solutions to display ballistic data onto external devices. Bluetooth provides the RAPTAR Xe additional modularity and ability to connect to and support future technologies. The RAPTAR Xe allows the operator to gather critical fire control data from beyond 1500m which enables enhanced targeting capability and accurately identify targets, structure, vehicles, etc., and “plot” them. This critical data gives the Command-and-Control [CNC] entity better situational awareness which can be leveraged to set and or expand mission parameters.
Leveraging BTAC, developed with our partner Blueforce Technologies, the RAPTAR Xe’s can provide actionable, task relevant information to and from networked teammates as well as share target data on a need to know basis over tactical networks to other elements involved in an operation. Onboard maintenance counter monitors the total amount of rounds fired from the weapon and can share data in real-time to ensure timely maintenance of the weapon and autonomous ammunition replenishment (additional components required for ammunition replenishment). The RAPTAR Xe’s Bluetooth capability also allows for future customization to support a multitude of networked combat scenarios.
Wilcox has extended the RAPTAR Xe’s capabilities with the ERGOTCO Xe Activation Keypad. The 3 control buttons on the pressure pad are ergonomically designed to allow for accurate button identification and mirror the unit’s 3 main buttons [Laser/Up, Fire and Menu/Down]. The ambidextrous design allows attachment on either side of the weapon, including positioning in between the quad rails of rifle handguards. The ergonomic design allows for identification of each button without looking at the control pad, providing a constant “heads up, eyes out” posture.
With nearly a decade of operator use as well as 1st place finishes in dozens of sniper competitions around the world, the RAPTAR S has cemented its legacy as a transformative ranging and targeting system. The RAPTAR S continues to be a preferred ranging and targeting solution for warfighters engaged in critical operations.
The RAPTAR Xe’s optical bench is a multi-generation jump, giving operators 2 times the ranging illumination with a 65% increase in overall ranging capability all within a form factor that is 7 cubic inches smaller with a 15% weight reduction. The RAPTAR Xe represent a leap forward in capabilities while keeping the core philosophy of the RAPTAR S intact providing precision shooters with a complete package of enhanced ranging capabilities.
Military and law enforcement snipers and precision shooters, including special forces and SWAT, require accurate targeting, illumination and location data. Changing environmental and mission conditions can greatly hamper or threaten a successful outcome. The RAPTAR Xe aims to overcome these challenges by providing the operator with a robust optical bench, flexible illumination capabilities and accurate calculations at greater distances. These leading-edge features increase the operator’s lethality, situational awareness and significantly increases their first-round hit capability at extremely long ranges in any environment.
To learn more about the RAPTAR Xe, watch the RAPTAR Xe Capabilities Video or visit our RAPTAR Xe product page.