In 2009, the US Army started fielding a newly selected 40mm grenade launcher to replace all existing M203 GL. This newly selected GL was designed, developed and initially produced by Heckler & Koch (H&K). The Technical Data Package was licensed to the US Government for its use and type designated by the US Army as the M320/M320A1 GL variants.
While the new M320 GL came with a simple mechanical leaf sight with 50-meter (m) aiming increments up to 350m for day use, it did not take long for the US Army to begin the search for an improved day/night sight. There was a different barrel length and muzzle velocity for the same ammunition, as well as other differences between the current M320/320A1 GL and the former M203 GL. This meant users employing M203 ballistic trajectory data tables from previously fielded sights for various 40mm ammunition rounds were inherently inaccurate from the moment the round exited the M320 GL muzzle; this inaccuracy grows larger with increasing target range. This was true for the most sophisticated M203 day/ night sights at that time.
The idea of simply using older M203 sights not designed for the M320 GL was unacceptable to the Army. Especially when responsible parties within the Army knew a more accurate, more versatile, and overall faster engaging day/night sight could be acquired, which would increase soldier mobility, lethality, and survivability.
As a result, the US Army issued a request for information seeking commercial sources for a new day/night sight with an integrated laser rangefinder specifically for use with the M320 GL.
The US Army sought Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) products that met its product description. Subsequently, the US Army conducted a series of tests of acquired candidate’s product samples for its Grenade Launcher Rangefinder (GLRF) program in the 2010–2011 time period. After determining a COTS solution was not going to adequately meet user requirements and needs, US Army material and capability developers jointly reassessed the approach. The US Army user representatives / capability developers issued a refined requirement, which removed the integrated laser rangefinder.

Rather than using a COTS approach, the US Army product management and technical team developed a comprehensive program plan and product description in conjunction with user-representative capability developers.
In brief, contractors were afforded the opportunity to modify developmental GSS hardware at various points of the program plan based on written test results and Soldier feedback. The US Army was determined to ensure the program resulted in an effective GSS, which Soldiers wanted to carry and employ with their M320/M320A1 GL. In April 2016, the US Army made two (2) competitive awards with the intent of down-selecting a single production awardee. After three years of extensive development, testing, and evaluation in a competitive environment, the US Army chose the Wilcox GSS as the single production awardee in June 2019.
“The GSS is a significant improvement to the M320 and tremendously increases the Grenadier’s capability in all environments.” – COL Jason Bohanon
“After shooting the GSS at night….I’m sold on its capability!” – LTC (R) Peter Stambersky
In summary, the Wilcox GSS is the resulting product enhancement from years of investment by the US Army and the Special Projects Team at Wilcox. Its increased accuracy, part of its added benefits, provides a supporting and justifying ammunition saving payback rationale. The Wilcox GSS product features and operational performance has proven through competitive and documented testing to be unsurpassed. Its smart logistically supportable design ensures customers investment will be maintained for years to come. Most notably, the Wilcox GSS operational benefits (decreased engagement time, increased accuracy, user acceptance) in a multi-year competitive process demonstrates the product is unrivaled by any other day/night sighting system for M320/320A1 GL and similar man portable GL systems.
To dive even deeper into the GSS development, download our full GSS Case Study “Long-term Investment Between Wilcox and U.S. Army Provides Unrivaled Operator Benefits”.
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